مستوى التفاعل

مشاركات الملف الشخصي آخر النشاطات المنشورات أوسمتــي معلومات زوار ملفي

  • lool sure thing you do a have a uniqe taste in everything really
    lool how can you epscet someone with such a cute name :P

    i mean all of you contributed in the forum and i did nothing.
    you'll do huge things if you have time but you don't so no worries sweetie

    between us i feel i'm nothing
    OMG don't you ever say such a thing
    loool I'll be with you after a month and a half
    I won't the time as well for all this XD
    Berosh Carlosh Carmelo {{ your full name :D
    looooool I kinnda love my neew full name
    it fits me really well
    and it's kindda cute XD
    Oh hiding is a big word
    and yeah changing will refresh you I guess
    but I've always liked Narmin
    yet the meaning really fits you ق3خ3
    I like it
    you're really light up this forum when you came back
    nothing new really
    you know why it's the summer
    eat & sleep
    that's all that I do
    cuz there's no work for me now
    I kinda miss work
    but naaah I wanna be fid up with my vacation
    I don't wanna miss a single minute lol :P
    how can I forget
    why you choosed this name any way ?
    another thing I opened a blog for my work in subs XD
    حووووبي نارمين
    ههههههههههههه :D
    ما كنا متفقين رمضان اغيير كاراميل :P
    كيفك وكيف الدوام معااكي ق3
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مشاهدات الملف الشخصي


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