انمي تون AniMe TOoN

Star in the dark
Star in the dark
Yay yay yay let's fly together حكمو2حكمو2حكمو2حكمو2حكمو2حكمو2حكمو2حكمو2yaaaaaaay
السيـر ليــلاً
السيـر ليــلاً
Take me with you حكمو2حكمو2حكمو2
Kibutsuji Marlene
Kibutsuji Marlene
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee let's ggoooooo
_they fly_
Star in the dark
Star in the dark
We all fly together حكمو2
Kibutsuji Marlene
Kibutsuji Marlene
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeess that's iii mmmmeaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn
and they hear to :
Kibutsuji Marlene
Kibutsuji Marlene
They are really crying with happiness that their exams are over ندى1
السيـر ليــلاً
السيـر ليــلاً
OMG it's so funny حكمو2
Kibutsuji Marlene
Kibutsuji Marlene
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