انمي تون AniMe TOoN

ciel phantomhive
ciel phantomhive
غريب كان طبل لك
ciel phantomhive
ciel phantomhive
نيوركي الاخ
Kibutsuji Marlene
Kibutsuji Marlene
كال لك قبيحة يعزتي
ciel phantomhive
ciel phantomhive
ما اهتم لنكبة عمري موزان
Kibutsuji Marlene
Kibutsuji Marlene
"Is this a joke?! Is she supposed to look like that?!"

***He says with a mocking tone***

"Your kidding right?!"

***He says pointing at her face with a disgusting look.***

"I rather cut my eyes out then ever look at it again!"
ciel phantomhive
ciel phantomhive
خليه يقطع عينيه
Kibutsuji Marlene
Kibutsuji Marlene
Kibutsuji Marlene
Kibutsuji Marlene
"Is this a joke or something?!"

***He says with a angry tone***

"Are you making fun of me?!"

***He says with pure hate in his voice***

"I HATE humans!"

***He says walking towards her.***

"All the more reason to kill you!!"

***His eyes glow red as his fists become surrounded by fire.***
ياساتر من بعثت له صورة ريهام. ه1
ciel phantomhive
ciel phantomhive
سبحان الله لازم يمدحك دايما كانه شريط مسجل
Kibutsuji Marlene
Kibutsuji Marlene
بشوف شيكول عني
ciel phantomhive
ciel phantomhive
يارب لمرة وحدة يقول قبيحة
ciel phantomhive
ciel phantomhive
دعوة مظلوم تراا
Kibutsuji Marlene
Kibutsuji Marlene
***He looks at her...His eyes go wide.***

"You must..must be the real demon..A human with such beauty?!
How can this be?..."

***He says staring at her with a surprised look as his voice begins to soften..***
ciel phantomhive
ciel phantomhive
مسويتي له سحر عند ام عباس والله لو يعشقك مهو هيك
Kibutsuji Marlene
Kibutsuji Marlene
تغارين يمعودة سليمة تصكج
ciel phantomhive
ciel phantomhive
انا ما اغار من نكبة عمري
ciel phantomhive
ciel phantomhive
ما لقيت ناس الا انتوا اغار منكم رومانسيتكم تغث
Kibutsuji Marlene
Kibutsuji Marlene
يمهه فدييتهه
ciel phantomhive
ciel phantomhive
الصبر جميل واهو بكرة تشوف ويجيلك يوم
Kibutsuji Marlene
Kibutsuji Marlene
سنجل يالسنجل حزنت عليج
أعلى أسفل