"Is this a joke?! Is she supposed to look like that?!" ***He says with a mocking tone*** "Your kidding right?!" ***He says pointing at her face with a disgusting look.*** "I rather cut my eyes out then ever look at it again!"
"Is this a joke or something?!" ***He says with a angry tone*** "Are you making fun of me?!" ***He says with pure hate in his voice*** "I HATE humans!" ***He says walking towards her.*** "All the more reason to kill you!!" ***His eyes glow red as his fists become surrounded by fire.*** ياساتر من بعثت له صورة ريهام.
***He looks at her...His eyes go wide.*** "You must..must be the real demon..A human with such beauty?! How can this be?..." ***He says staring at her with a surprised look as his voice begins to soften..***