
  1. WiSHES

    الختم الاداري Don't forget that I'm Human That, I'm Real || Justin Bieber

    ماششاء الله تبارك الرحمن , تسلم يدينكم على الشغل الرّهيب حبيت كل جزئية بالموضوع أبدعتم وبقوه, KEEP GOING ق1 - Donicchi ق1 PfGaX8G0f2E My life is a movie and everyone's watching So let's get to the good part and past all the nonsense Sometimes it's hard to...
  2. WiSHES

    Don't forget that I'm Human That, I'm Real || Justin Bieber

    PfGaX8G0f2E My life is a movie and everyone's watching So let's get to the good part and past all the nonsense Sometimes it's hard to do the right thing When the pressure's coming down like lightning It's like they want me to be perfect When they don't even know that I'm hurting 'Cause...
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