يعطيكِ العافيةة جوج تشي , تم الختمَ الإداري من قبل ,:: ☆ Le
& تم تسليمك التونآ , مع انو معك كتير هههههـ xDD
& تم تسليمك التونآ , مع انو معك كتير هههههـ xDD
Just standing around won't help you any
The sun and moon and the pokemon and her
Want to go on an intriguing adventure... it seems
Aiy aiya aiya! ~~~~
The thrills and surprises are absolutely endless indeed
They're here and there and everywhere; I just can't take it
Come om; let's go and go and go and go ~~~
Aiy aiya aiya! ~~~~~
For passionate battles I choose you!
( For passionate battles I choose you! )
Now; finish it; I got you!
( Now; finish it; I got you! )
Ikkeee ~~~
Break into a run with blazing ethusiams; make it burn even brighter and hotter, just like a sun! ( YEAH! )
Your courage runs thick and overflows; it will illuminate your dream, just like a moon! ( Aiy aiya aiya! )
Now, get pumped to the max with your entire body and soul

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