- إنضم
- 11 ديسمبر 2015
- رقم العضوية
- 5668
- المشاركات
- 2,364
- مستوى التفاعل
- 3,646
- النقاط
- 592
- أوسمتــي
- 6
- العمر
- 24
- الإقامة
- ㄨ
- توناتي
- 0
- الجنس
- أنثى
I'm not the kind of prinCess ,that neeDs savinG
I'm probabLy not a pRinCeSs at alL .
You Can be The gallant pRinCe alL U want
that's Fine .But Get The SavinG Me apart of Ur HeaD.gif)
I'm nnot A damsel in distress,i'm not a trapped GirL.
If I am anYthinG, I am a DraGon
anD If U Get Close, I'll BurN eVerythiNg
I'm not the kind of prinCess ,that neeDs savinG
I'm probabLy not a pRinCeSs at alL .
You Can be The gallant pRinCe alL U want
that's Fine .But Get The SavinG Me apart of Ur HeaD
I'm nnot A damsel in distress,i'm not a trapped GirL.
If I am anYthinG, I am a DraGon
anD If U Get Close, I'll BurN eVerythiNg
التعديل الأخير: