- إنضم
- 16 أكتوبر 2019
- رقم العضوية
- 10464
- المشاركات
- 188
- مستوى التفاعل
- 1,440
- النقاط
- 35
- الإقامة
- لايهم اين اكون
- توناتي
- 0
- الجنس
- أنثى
Something strange
To see that people these days don't know what to say about them
The strangest thing of all is their good qualities that flew towards the sky
This life is trying to spread evil everywhere I am
Yes, you are the one who watches my words. Try to be cute
Honestly, happiness is a beautiful thing that may disappear in five minutes
And a precious thing is not able to treasure any of the treasures of life
good bye
?هي لاتقول اني درامية بسبب مدونة فقط
تراني بقتلك
To see that people these days don't know what to say about them
The strangest thing of all is their good qualities that flew towards the sky
This life is trying to spread evil everywhere I am
Yes, you are the one who watches my words. Try to be cute
Honestly, happiness is a beautiful thing that may disappear in five minutes
And a precious thing is not able to treasure any of the treasures of life
good bye
تراني بقتلك

التعديل الأخير: