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مشاركات الملف الشخصي آخر النشاطات المنشورات أوسمتــي معلومات زوار ملفي

  • سلام عليكم

    كيفكم ض1

    نوركم على البحر الميت (( الله يرحمه ض3 ))

    البحر الميت .. The Dead Sea
    I'm alright now thank god ^^
    there's not much in the first 8 min
    but you'll understand somethings about the beginenings of the story
    it's really cute when he first came to her life

    looooool we had those times XD
    ya Allah things really was wild there's no doubt about that

    actually yes a lot of ppl told me that my smile brings them happiness :452:
    XD so it's not a coincidence

    happy to have known you in my life
    and trust me even without seeing u, u r pretty inside out :D
    loool thank you
    but I was kidding XD
    waiting for what you have to say when you come

    ض2ض2ض2ض2 لهذي الدرجة مقربآت :D
    loool mocherom XD :495:
    you have any doubts about it XD?
    لا بالعككسس جذي اتشووق اكثر واكثثثر انطررر موضوعج + بسوي موضوع عن انمي بعد ان ششاء الله
    هههههههههههههههههههههههههههه لا انا في الوسط لاني من الطيبين ولا الجديدين هع
    sorry seems I couldn't open the privet messages :\
    don't know what's the freaking reason :\ :449:
    any ways yep I liked it for the same reason as well
    also it's kindda science fiction but mostly drama
    hell yeah there's a manga and it's breaking my heart already lool :041:
    I mean how's she gonna deal with her self
    and how's she gonna carry on with her life
    here's the first 8 min
    I can't wait really reallly I can't wait for it
    looool yeah with that British guy I realised something
    you were having a big smile it was beautifull
    you looked happy and that's the important thing :366:
    yeah, well, I'll come to Jeddah sooner or latter and insha allah you'll see how pretty I am XD
    looool :(3)1::(3)1:
    by the way did any one told you that your smile is really cheerfull and brings joy :452:
    that's what I see..:11 (2):
    أكييييييد برد علا موضوعج اصلا انطره وابشرج ليلحين ماخلصت الانمي ولا الاوفات ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه
    والله لساتني صغيرة
    بس اختي اكبر مني ب عآم ونص وبس ههههه
    الاسبوع اللي فاتن بالككسسل والخمولل والنوووم هههههههه
    يعني لما المونت م كككان كانو الدنيا م فيها شيء
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