مستوى التفاعل

مشاركات الملف الشخصي آخر النشاطات المنشورات أوسمتــي معلومات زوار ملفي

  • yeahhhhh tell me about it
    I can't beleive how I suffer while I'm doing the subbing for it
    I had the desire to just look :369: and the need to finish my work as soon as I can:RAo52725:
    this is earthly heaven looool anime guys
    I wanna marry Haru looool :P
    I was day dreaming last night I wanna a real dream Momo :(
    I hope really it would happen
    loool we gonna make a good couple I know that :h (29):
    damn I'm still day dreaming
    Nagisa is cute & you're like me I hate his type. More than cute on a boy has another name for it
    you know what I mean loool
    I'm so happy with this anime
    and me too I can't wait for the next ep
    we gonna work on the Kariyoke to fit the opening and the ending me and Jaden
    hopefully we gonna make it right
    I told you I'll give something to remember me with
    so here it is
    I was so happy that you liked it
    no sweats okay I know they are SUPER HOT
    lool you gonna choose him eventually :P
    I like MAku but umm he's no good for my $%^$%&$ fantasies XD
    loool :229:
    I hope you're happy I did made you day better ^^
    ah about that :P
    we gonna work on the ep this night
    yep mozkashina baby
    we should do more & more together
    common girl watch free already :frusty2:
    I wanna know your reaction :P
    your boy is cool XD
    هع شكلهآ بدون ’ نفس كككككككككككككك asd
    خلاص انا ابي اسوي موضوع’ ون بيس والفواككه’
    لكن ان شاء الله ابيك بكم شغلة بموضوع’ لـ اورآهـآرآ كيسيكي ض3
    انا لازم ايب ناس تلبي بعد لان الملبين اللي قبل ثنتين مايبون يلبون
    + حملتي فري ؟!
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