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مشاركات الملف الشخصي آخر النشاطات المنشورات أوسمتــي معلومات زوار ملفي

  • تم قص طلبك زوري الموضوع الخاص بقص الرندرات عشان تاخذيه واتمنى يعجبك حبوبة 3> :) ~
    زين قلتي لي والله كنت بحطه يومها بس نسسيت :009:

    اي دايما ذكريني لو نسسيت شي ووؤكي لان تستاهلون والله
    مآ كآن فيةة حيل آدور ض1
    ههههههههههههههههه ض1

    آدري آنكك دورتي عشآني ~> من قآلكك ض1
    wow the movie touched u so much T^T
    Wallah more than you think I'm not over exaggerating or some thing :486:
    but they sould make another part just for apologizing for all the tears we've lost
    wallah Jed :361:
    and they should make this Ami look and protect his mother :ranting2:
    and to show us also what else would've happen between Sohi & Yuki :bwush:

    and yes >< that baka stupid Ame got to my nervous! I love the little him but I HATE the grown up him [IMG]
    he's just so emo >< and I hate such characters
    exactly ..that development was SO SOOOOOOOOOOOO (MOTTTTTO) disappointing :090:

    yuki is so great! she became a wonderful person and she can trust ppl
    I liked her character really
    not just cuase she made the right choice but also for being active and truthfull :11 (13):

    YES! bleach is lame in the firs 20 episodes but I swear to God things will kick like hell and more hotness awaits x) :p
    I'll take your words really :418:
    I'll watch it insha allah when I come back from Abha
    cuase it's gonna be a long anime & I wanna finish the animes I'm alreading wathing :229::14:
    اما 14 "@___@ حلو اجل والله كنت متوقعه اكثر !
    يب بتفرج عليه كله لو ابدأ من النص اقعد فاتحه فمي ولا ادري ايش الهرجة xD
    هههههههههه طيب طيب خلاص جالسه احمل الحلقة الاولى ض1
    لو كنت ادري كان سحبت ع الاول وتابعت الثاني بس علي دلاخة يخي xD
    واصلا ما بلعت نهاية الاول ، بس يعني تقريباً الاحداث اللي بالجزء الاول كم حلقة من برذرهود ؟ > والله احس السؤال مو مفهوم بس مخمخي عليه شوي ض1
    هههههههه عادي فاهمة شعورك xD *
    وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
    يسلمو من ذوقك ي آنسه : )
    انا اكثر اعشق ه الانمي :قلوب:
    بس انا شفت النسخة القديمة كنت بشوف برذرهود كمان بس الناس قالو انه ريميك ومدري كيف xD
    ف بطلت اشوفه -_- ، بما اننا ذكرناه ب اسأل هو فيه احداث زيادة عن النسخة القديمة ؟ اللي ف تمبلر يحمسو الواحد انه يتفرج عليه xD
    صوره بطلة T^T واحس أحداثه غير بس بتأكد منك اول ض1
    النور نورك يً آنسه ض1
    I have to do something I can't get out of my grief :033:
    from the movie
    I'll go watch some comidy :108:
    sorry I blabbered a lot :P
    see ya soon sweetie :55:
    ta3aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllly :003:
    7raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam 3likiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :031:
    I just finished watching wolf children
    you know my weakness point when I watch any mother YA ALLAH :h (6):
    from the begining of the movie I had a teary eye :cry2:
    they're so cute I mean Ami and Yuki at the begining :63::63::63:
    and had only this word on my mouth all along (MY FEEEEEEEEELS) :048:
    wallah they were cute
    Ami had a really character development :053:
    from a shy little bullied boy
    to a grown up of .... wakarn wallah :11 (43):
    I felt SO SAD with them saying their goodbyes
    I cried I was like :11 (58):
    no one will live you like her :63:
    I hate it when things goes like that :12224345 (1):
    not to mention Yuki wow how love can change a person :happy_crying:
    I just hope that will happen to Eren :060:
    it was kindda cute when she told Sohi about her trouth :qbor (82):
    when he said "I knew it al along" :401:
    things turn out great to her hope she had a beautiful life with Sohi-kun:bwush:
    and be happy :ThC49897:
    as for that brat Ami :069:
    I hope he founds a HOTTY to make him change his stubborn a$$ mind of beeing a tottal AAAAAAAAAAh :12224345 (1):
    Gominasy he made me furious:h (32):
    YAAAA rabyyyyyyyy
    :(115)1::(115)1::(115)1::(115)1::(115)1:myy feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels
    wow! what is this profile pic u got here!! XD xD
    soooo beautiful!! u have a good eye really xD
    lol that's an official attempt to say that I'm already engaged to his hotness :012:
    girls get away from him ALERT :P :042:
    loooooool love it when I become a fan girl for anime :088:

    btw bero, I keep laughing whenever I see ur msg in the ehda2at bar saying "from happy teeth clinic" xD XD
    hhhhhhhhhhhh the name is so funny xD happy teeth xD xD trust me no one is happy being there xD
    I still laugh till now xD
    loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool :lol:
    hhhhhh you too turn out to have a really good eye XD
    yeah we have to give a good smile
    actually and technically they are making me have a reallly HAPPYless teeth :105:
    I sware I hate them :088:
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