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مشاركات الملف الشخصي آخر النشاطات المنشورات أوسمتــي معلومات زوار ملفي

  • صبآح الخير .. |

    لو سمحت ممكن مرورك على موضوعي الجديد .. هو اكبر موضوع لي لحد الان

    عباره عن 1400 png pack ( ريندر )

    نرورك يسعدني ويدفعني الى الاستمرار

    I can Love You More Than This | 1400 Png Pack

    oh :/ :/
    I don't get why u got scolded!!!
    so what if she is diabitc :s it's her fault for not caring about herself
    and baka u shouldn't be scared >< be strong and the hell with them!!
    and u shouldn't cty >< >< ><
    besides u know how this society is sick and never blame the fault on themselves!! they see themselves as Gods!!
    so take it easy! she only fainted due to her carelessness
    be strong =_=
    I saw ur work and it's actually good!
    very minor mistakes only
    but those 5 minutes were so cute :3
    and haru is indeed in love with water xD

    loool XDi didn't see diabolic lovers yet ^^" but I will soon
    loved that toooot XD
    الله يبارك بعمرك اختي الغاليه

    شكرا الك

    كان عندي اقتراح لكن بطلت اطرحه لقدام شوي يكون افضل

    اسف عالازعاج :)
    yeah mikasa is one badass onna XD XD
    she was rash in fighting the female titan and she was the cause of levi's injury 0_0
    but still shes freaking strong XD I suspect she has super powers
    wow bero XD
    I can't believe u XD XD u r sogoooiiiii *_*
    I didn't know there was a free movie >< shimattaa ><
    hhhh u r great really XD I didn't know u know Japanese this much 0_0 sogooii
    i'll download it and watch it with free ep XD I was too busy to watch it T^T
    hontony sogoooiiiii T^T i'll check if the vampire anime is out XD u gotta be squeeling right now ض7
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