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مشاركات الملف الشخصي آخر النشاطات المنشورات أوسمتــي معلومات زوار ملفي

  • you DID make day better indeed T^T thank you so much and I can't thank you enough really <3
    I know xD a8ollek my eyes went like this 0_0 man there r stuff can't be said here x) xD
    maku is cute when he gets scared xD I wanna see more of them 0_0
    actually I don't like those cuute type guys like nagisa xD but as long as his physique is FINE then the hell with my standards xD if u know what I mean xD
    omg bero I kept gasping and my eyes went widen whenever one of them takes his shirt off =_= xD hhhhhh I mean I can't believe that there is FINALLY an anima with such exposed guys for us fangirls <3
    the epi ended so soon T^T I cant wait for the next epi >< sogooiii ne!
    I like them all@_@ I mean rin is a badass and I love it x) they're so cute together!
    can't wait really ><
    دوؤرت ككل المنتدياآـ بسسس كلهـاآ 2010 والرواآبطط موؤ شغغ‘ـاآلـةة
    ممَ عداآ إلّـي لقيتهه.
    OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!
    I cant believe u did this sweet beroo T__________T u dedicated the epi to me T___T
    I swear I couldn't believe this @_@ I mean one reason is when I opening the epi my eyes were there and here looking at the hotties xD
    but I also kept in mind what u said about the opening but I swear to God it never occurred to me u'd write my name and stuff T_T
    I mean I was already so excited to see the epi and LOVED the beginning but then BAM! my name @_@ I.. I.. don't know what to say more T_T kawaiiii beroo san T_T
    thank you thank you thank you sooo much T^T im so sorry I saw it late but I really really couldn't see it until now T0T
    I mean I stopped the epi and came here to write you xD soo soogoooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    it's not for me only T^T it's yours and for u!! u and I share the same interest T^T so we know what we talk about T^T
    T^T im speechless
    لاآلاآ عع‘ـاآدي
    أإنـاآ رففعع‘ـت ككل حالححلقـاآت بس ححلٌـةة عع‘ـششرـةة هي نفسسها تسعع‘ـةة
    بغغ‘ـيت أإججن
    ممَ في رواآبط ثاآنيـةة
    الحين صار فيني فضول اعرف شنو الشي الكبير

    قولي لي بالخاص وماراح اتكلمم
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مشاهدات الملف الشخصي


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