لمصور ديالنا نيرو كان لاح شي موضوع على personalities. و رااه شحال هادي و كنت بغيت ندوي علا هدشي يلاه تفكرتو.
لاكان just a game مزيان. و لكن باش تلصق etiquette علا جبهتك انا "ABCD-E" أولا "ZIZO-A" و لا مانعرف دوك سميات. وتيق راه بصح نتا هاد شخصية it's wrong.
basically, human behavior howa wahd lhaja li machi constante, matabtach. bhal denya tahaja fiha ma stable fiha bzaf d variables wkamlin titbdlo
yqdro ytbdlo chaque seconde kif yqdro ytbdlo chaque 5 ans mais l'idée anahom titbdlo
donc fach human behavior titbdel hadchi ti3ni que 7ta human psyche titbdel aussi.
chkon tibdel hdchi? experiences
nta w nti kamlin tkhleqna innocent mais mn be3d tantfrqo w wahd fina kiwli pragmatic wlakhr tiwli reckless.
I'm not lecturing here but just making things clear
كلنا تانفيقو شي نهار تتكون باغي غير ضرب شي واحد ولا تسب شي واحد. تاحد مادار ليك شي حاجة غانتا بوحدك. غا معا راسك. شي نهارات أخرين تتفيق زوين ضاحك ناشط ماشط.
chkon kit7ekem fhdchi? human psyche. chahowa aslan had human psyche? howa conscious w unconscious. lwla fiha your experiences in life wtanya fiha ta reaction lhad les experiences. (wild, reckless, wise...) etc
wdok les reactions tikwno fldakhl dyalk your habits and behaviors... whdchi it's more complicated to summarize it f kelma whda wtgol ana
caca - pipi" personality"
W3ad khli subconscious li endo impact kbir tahowa ela behaviors w habits... mohim 7rira
les experiences titbdlo constantly w hdchi tikhli behaviors w habits dyalk tahoma titbdlo.
nta wla nti dyal 10ans lor machi howa nfs la personne db
maybe you were reckless but now you think deeply before taking any step forward.
hdchi ca veut pas dire que rah atbqa dima tatseref bhad wisdom non. everything changes et surement atbdel for the best or the worst
nobody knows.
nobody knows anything about this goddamn messy life
fsba7 rak freud f3qlk mais atchuf wla atqra wla atsm3 chihaja ghatkhlik tqlq atwli bhal 3zoz
wbin freud w 3zoz hna kayna complexity
و نهاية النشرة الى اللقاء
aah blati apres lmatch d egypte bghit nlo7 wahd blan fchelni bdehk
لاكان just a game مزيان. و لكن باش تلصق etiquette علا جبهتك انا "ABCD-E" أولا "ZIZO-A" و لا مانعرف دوك سميات. وتيق راه بصح نتا هاد شخصية it's wrong.
basically, human behavior howa wahd lhaja li machi constante, matabtach. bhal denya tahaja fiha ma stable fiha bzaf d variables wkamlin titbdlo
yqdro ytbdlo chaque seconde kif yqdro ytbdlo chaque 5 ans mais l'idée anahom titbdlo
donc fach human behavior titbdel hadchi ti3ni que 7ta human psyche titbdel aussi.
chkon tibdel hdchi? experiences
nta w nti kamlin tkhleqna innocent mais mn be3d tantfrqo w wahd fina kiwli pragmatic wlakhr tiwli reckless.
I'm not lecturing here but just making things clear
كلنا تانفيقو شي نهار تتكون باغي غير ضرب شي واحد ولا تسب شي واحد. تاحد مادار ليك شي حاجة غانتا بوحدك. غا معا راسك. شي نهارات أخرين تتفيق زوين ضاحك ناشط ماشط.
chkon kit7ekem fhdchi? human psyche. chahowa aslan had human psyche? howa conscious w unconscious. lwla fiha your experiences in life wtanya fiha ta reaction lhad les experiences. (wild, reckless, wise...) etc
wdok les reactions tikwno fldakhl dyalk your habits and behaviors... whdchi it's more complicated to summarize it f kelma whda wtgol ana
caca - pipi" personality"
W3ad khli subconscious li endo impact kbir tahowa ela behaviors w habits... mohim 7rira
les experiences titbdlo constantly w hdchi tikhli behaviors w habits dyalk tahoma titbdlo.
nta wla nti dyal 10ans lor machi howa nfs la personne db
maybe you were reckless but now you think deeply before taking any step forward.
hdchi ca veut pas dire que rah atbqa dima tatseref bhad wisdom non. everything changes et surement atbdel for the best or the worst
nobody knows.
nobody knows anything about this goddamn messy life
fsba7 rak freud f3qlk mais atchuf wla atqra wla atsm3 chihaja ghatkhlik tqlq atwli bhal 3zoz
wbin freud w 3zoz hna kayna complexity
و نهاية النشرة الى اللقاء
aah blati apres lmatch d egypte bghit nlo7 wahd blan fchelni bdehk
التعديل الأخير: