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.The description of Vampire Princess: Girl Dressup App
Visit a fantastic vampires party and meet the beautiful prince! But first of all, you need change your civvies on prestige outfit, and surprise all the fairy quests with your new image! Dressup pretty vampire in stylish pinafore and frock, choose blouse and jeans, skirt and shoes for the lady, bedeck princess with beauty earrings, crown, lavaliere and necklaces!
Become a fantastic hero in our new dressup game about fashion, makeup, espousal and create new images for the celebrity!
Features of the game:
- trendy dresses for the blonde
- hairstyles for the cutie vampire girl
- jewelry and accessories for the mistress
- makeover for the sweety
Give the little girl a makeover, save a picture of fairy lady!
Play games for girls! Love girls games, beauty salon games with princesses? Dress up princess girl for wedding or play with girl makeover in fashion makeup salon games!
Little girls love games like fashion wedding salon dress up games. Girls give makeover in makeup salon for a beauty or mermaid. Romantic princess can play celebrity dress up wedding salon.
ولي ذكرى في دمى العاب ميكانيكية وزن Dark and light ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية فلاش العاب اونلاين إلكترونية تحكي عن قصة سدادة إذن صوفية الصنع تشبه سماعة الأذن الكبيرة وفائقة الاستعمال للصوت ولكن هذه من أجل فصل الشتاء لتجنب ضربة البرودة القوية على الأذن وتحميها من قرصة الشتاء على الأذن ويوجد منها على شكل هيئة باربي وفلة مزخرفة ومحشوة ومن ذكرياتي في الحياة الاوتاكووية وطريقتي في التسوق فيها وهو بكيفية مجيء لها عن شهادتي التخرج والتقديرات من العلامات التجارية التي اتيت بها وطريقة تزيين حياتي بها وهو كما نقول بها عندما يأتي دوري كما قلناه سابقا عن الحالات الخاصة من الانمي Ai no kusabi لمنتدى الانمي اجانب و Dramatical murder لمنتدى أتراك الانمي و احلام هبة و قليلا من مخلص صديق الحيوان لان نوعية الحالة مبالغ فيه قليلا في الدمية بالنسبة لمخلص صديق الحيوان وصلت كلاعب احتياطي لمرمى تسجيل الأهداف كالوسط من خلال منطقة الحذر في السيرفز للفان وهو كما نسميه باسم الانمي Girls last tour أو نطلق عليه أيضا Girls panzar لبوابة الانمي كلاعب جديد في الحياة الدولة الاماراتية بالنسبة لهم خطوة جديدة في التقدم لأول مرة في حياتي لكن يبقى المسائلة لشهادتي كطالبة خريجة من مستوى سادس ابتدائي جديد لنوعية تصنيف تاريخي ولي ذكرى في دمى العاب التيليفليك اصطناعية الصناعة وتجارية الصناعة وتقليدية الصناعة وخردوية الخرز ومزخرفة ومحشوة ومصنوعة خشبية ومقوى من اليد وبيتوتية الشكل وذو احجية الحيلة مع عجلات كرتونية رباعية الاستخدام وخماسية الاستخدام للمساعدة وتسير فوق المناظر الطبيعية من الاناس وغير طبيعية وبشكل كلاسيكي تصل وتسير فوق السواحل البحرية من ماركات عالمية الاستخدام للمساعدة في تعلم هواية المتابعة والمشاهدة والنظر إلى ما في حولك من أمور وشؤون اجنبية ولي ذكرى في دمى العاب نباتات بلاستيكية واطناعية وصناعية الخدمة وواقعية بخيالها ويوجد منها إلكترونية مزخرفة ومحشوة مع امبراطورياته و استراتيجياته ويوجد خدمة اوتوماتيكية التوصيل للبيع والشراء من دون تعب ولا جهد للحصول على حصانة وفرصة للقاء بالاصحاب به من داخل اللعبة ولا يوجد قيمة إضافية للعبة من أجل الأصحاب فيها ولا يوجد طريقة الاشتراكات من الهاتف في اللعبة عن طريق الدفع أو الربح الا اوتوماتيكيا وبشكل ميكانيكي مزخرفة ومحشوة مع امبراطورياته و استراتيجياته Booth cabin balcony event print games and a chance games to meeting ولي ذكرى في دمى العاب المسارات (طبق الاصل وطبق الاعتياد) وتسمى باللغة الانغليزية track games ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية صبورة خشبية للكتابة عليها بواسطة طباشير طفولية الحجم كلعب الاطفال اليدوية والنقالة في الاستعمال وصبورة أخرى من الماجيك ملمسه ناعم كالمطاط في الاستعمال ويوجد منها طفولية الحجم للكتابة عليها بقلم ماجيك خردوية الخرز مع وضعية صغيرة لزخرفاتها وحشواتها وامبراطورياتها واستراتيجياتها ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية طباشير رأيته عن طريق المصادفة بالحقيقة وحولت صيغته إلى منتدى الخيال العالمي وبشكل ادبي لغوية رأيته مثل دمية باربي وفلة وباللون الوردي مع مزخرفة ومحشوة مع امبراطورياته و استراتيجياته ومعه أداة الوقاية كالمسح بممحاة الطباشيري في الصبورة الخشبية ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية إلكترونية وهي الصبورة الذكية ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية باربي وفلة لابرة أو حقنة من نوع جرعة خشبية مزخرفة ومحشوة مع امبراطورياته و استراتيجياته ونوع آخر من إبرة أو حقنة طبية مصنوعة خشبيا لكنها حقنة ذكية في الاستعمال الالكتروني مزخرفة ومحشوة مع امبراطورياته الصناعية وخدماته التجارية و استراتيجياته الصناعية والتجارية يوجد منها فلاش اونلاين العاب من دمى الحقنات للاستعمالات في الطوارئ الحديثة والعصرية في الطراز ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية مسدس ارضي يشير إلى جهاز التلفاز والى جانبه أداة التحكم عن بعد يغامر الشخص الآخر ولكن المتحكم الذي يشير بمسدسه إلى التلفاز هو الذي يقوم باصطياد الحيوانات وقتلهم وهو مسدس ارضي ومستوى نوع الجهاز ارضي مثل هاتف تلفون ارضي مصنوعة من البلاستيك مزخرفة ومحشوة مع امبراطورياته و استراتيجياته ونطلق عليه باللغة الانغليزية EarthLink ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية مدينة الملاهي المسماة باسم عجلة دوارة بكراسي متشقلبة أرضيا ويتحمل جلوسها في آن واحد بدون خلط أكثر من فرد أو ثلاث أفراد في أن واحد ويوجد منها لا يتحمل أكثر من فرد واحد لا فيها نماذج ازدواجية في مكانها وفي تلقاء نفسه تدور حول نفسها في وقت وان واحد وتنتج مواد لافتة للانظار مثل دمى الشوارع مزخرفة ومحشوة كلافتات وإعلانات ودعايات الشوارع مزخرفة ومحشوة مع امبراطورياته و استراتيجياته وخردوية الخرز ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية جرس على شكل أداة بعصا لتمسكه متحكما به من الأسفل وله أداة طويل اخر مطل على نفسه من مكان آخر عندما نهزه ويرن فانك سوف تسمع بطريقة تلقائية مباشرة صوت الرنين أو الاهتزاز عند قدوم شخص ما وعادت نزيينه فوق أشجار الكريسمس لتكون للزينة خردوية الخرز مزخرفة ومحشوة بجمود وثبات وتقييم للاداء والدور والمثل الأعلى له
AbracadabraGames brings you plenty of exciting otome and BL (yaoi) games!<br>New titles are released every month - will you be able to keep up?
All 13 Apps
Visit a fantastic vampires party and meet the beautiful prince! But first of all, you need change your civvies on prestige outfit, and surprise all the fairy quests with your new image! Dressup pretty vampire in stylish pinafore and frock, choose blouse and jeans, skirt and shoes for the lady, bedeck princess with beauty earrings, crown, lavaliere and necklaces!
Become a fantastic hero in our new dressup game about fashion, makeup, espousal and create new images for the celebrity!
Features of the game:
- trendy dresses for the blonde
- hairstyles for the cutie vampire girl
- jewelry and accessories for the mistress
- makeover for the sweety
Give the little girl a makeover, save a picture of fairy lady!
Play games for girls! Love girls games, beauty salon games with princesses? Dress up princess girl for wedding or play with girl makeover in fashion makeup salon games!
Little girls love games like fashion wedding salon dress up games. Girls give makeover in makeup salon for a beauty or mermaid. Romantic princess can play celebrity dress up wedding salon.
ولي ذكرى في دمى العاب ميكانيكية وزن Dark and light ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية فلاش العاب اونلاين إلكترونية تحكي عن قصة سدادة إذن صوفية الصنع تشبه سماعة الأذن الكبيرة وفائقة الاستعمال للصوت ولكن هذه من أجل فصل الشتاء لتجنب ضربة البرودة القوية على الأذن وتحميها من قرصة الشتاء على الأذن ويوجد منها على شكل هيئة باربي وفلة مزخرفة ومحشوة ومن ذكرياتي في الحياة الاوتاكووية وطريقتي في التسوق فيها وهو بكيفية مجيء لها عن شهادتي التخرج والتقديرات من العلامات التجارية التي اتيت بها وطريقة تزيين حياتي بها وهو كما نقول بها عندما يأتي دوري كما قلناه سابقا عن الحالات الخاصة من الانمي Ai no kusabi لمنتدى الانمي اجانب و Dramatical murder لمنتدى أتراك الانمي و احلام هبة و قليلا من مخلص صديق الحيوان لان نوعية الحالة مبالغ فيه قليلا في الدمية بالنسبة لمخلص صديق الحيوان وصلت كلاعب احتياطي لمرمى تسجيل الأهداف كالوسط من خلال منطقة الحذر في السيرفز للفان وهو كما نسميه باسم الانمي Girls last tour أو نطلق عليه أيضا Girls panzar لبوابة الانمي كلاعب جديد في الحياة الدولة الاماراتية بالنسبة لهم خطوة جديدة في التقدم لأول مرة في حياتي لكن يبقى المسائلة لشهادتي كطالبة خريجة من مستوى سادس ابتدائي جديد لنوعية تصنيف تاريخي ولي ذكرى في دمى العاب التيليفليك اصطناعية الصناعة وتجارية الصناعة وتقليدية الصناعة وخردوية الخرز ومزخرفة ومحشوة ومصنوعة خشبية ومقوى من اليد وبيتوتية الشكل وذو احجية الحيلة مع عجلات كرتونية رباعية الاستخدام وخماسية الاستخدام للمساعدة وتسير فوق المناظر الطبيعية من الاناس وغير طبيعية وبشكل كلاسيكي تصل وتسير فوق السواحل البحرية من ماركات عالمية الاستخدام للمساعدة في تعلم هواية المتابعة والمشاهدة والنظر إلى ما في حولك من أمور وشؤون اجنبية ولي ذكرى في دمى العاب نباتات بلاستيكية واطناعية وصناعية الخدمة وواقعية بخيالها ويوجد منها إلكترونية مزخرفة ومحشوة مع امبراطورياته و استراتيجياته ويوجد خدمة اوتوماتيكية التوصيل للبيع والشراء من دون تعب ولا جهد للحصول على حصانة وفرصة للقاء بالاصحاب به من داخل اللعبة ولا يوجد قيمة إضافية للعبة من أجل الأصحاب فيها ولا يوجد طريقة الاشتراكات من الهاتف في اللعبة عن طريق الدفع أو الربح الا اوتوماتيكيا وبشكل ميكانيكي مزخرفة ومحشوة مع امبراطورياته و استراتيجياته Booth cabin balcony event print games and a chance games to meeting ولي ذكرى في دمى العاب المسارات (طبق الاصل وطبق الاعتياد) وتسمى باللغة الانغليزية track games ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية صبورة خشبية للكتابة عليها بواسطة طباشير طفولية الحجم كلعب الاطفال اليدوية والنقالة في الاستعمال وصبورة أخرى من الماجيك ملمسه ناعم كالمطاط في الاستعمال ويوجد منها طفولية الحجم للكتابة عليها بقلم ماجيك خردوية الخرز مع وضعية صغيرة لزخرفاتها وحشواتها وامبراطورياتها واستراتيجياتها ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية طباشير رأيته عن طريق المصادفة بالحقيقة وحولت صيغته إلى منتدى الخيال العالمي وبشكل ادبي لغوية رأيته مثل دمية باربي وفلة وباللون الوردي مع مزخرفة ومحشوة مع امبراطورياته و استراتيجياته ومعه أداة الوقاية كالمسح بممحاة الطباشيري في الصبورة الخشبية ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية إلكترونية وهي الصبورة الذكية ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية باربي وفلة لابرة أو حقنة من نوع جرعة خشبية مزخرفة ومحشوة مع امبراطورياته و استراتيجياته ونوع آخر من إبرة أو حقنة طبية مصنوعة خشبيا لكنها حقنة ذكية في الاستعمال الالكتروني مزخرفة ومحشوة مع امبراطورياته الصناعية وخدماته التجارية و استراتيجياته الصناعية والتجارية يوجد منها فلاش اونلاين العاب من دمى الحقنات للاستعمالات في الطوارئ الحديثة والعصرية في الطراز ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية مسدس ارضي يشير إلى جهاز التلفاز والى جانبه أداة التحكم عن بعد يغامر الشخص الآخر ولكن المتحكم الذي يشير بمسدسه إلى التلفاز هو الذي يقوم باصطياد الحيوانات وقتلهم وهو مسدس ارضي ومستوى نوع الجهاز ارضي مثل هاتف تلفون ارضي مصنوعة من البلاستيك مزخرفة ومحشوة مع امبراطورياته و استراتيجياته ونطلق عليه باللغة الانغليزية EarthLink ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية مدينة الملاهي المسماة باسم عجلة دوارة بكراسي متشقلبة أرضيا ويتحمل جلوسها في آن واحد بدون خلط أكثر من فرد أو ثلاث أفراد في أن واحد ويوجد منها لا يتحمل أكثر من فرد واحد لا فيها نماذج ازدواجية في مكانها وفي تلقاء نفسه تدور حول نفسها في وقت وان واحد وتنتج مواد لافتة للانظار مثل دمى الشوارع مزخرفة ومحشوة كلافتات وإعلانات ودعايات الشوارع مزخرفة ومحشوة مع امبراطورياته و استراتيجياته وخردوية الخرز ولي ذكرى في لعبة دمية جرس على شكل أداة بعصا لتمسكه متحكما به من الأسفل وله أداة طويل اخر مطل على نفسه من مكان آخر عندما نهزه ويرن فانك سوف تسمع بطريقة تلقائية مباشرة صوت الرنين أو الاهتزاز عند قدوم شخص ما وعادت نزيينه فوق أشجار الكريسمس لتكون للزينة خردوية الخرز مزخرفة ومحشوة بجمود وثبات وتقييم للاداء والدور والمثل الأعلى له
AbracadabraGames brings you plenty of exciting otome and BL (yaoi) games!<br>New titles are released every month - will you be able to keep up?
All 13 Apps
Blood Domination - BL Game
2021-07-07 -
Vampire Boyfriend Plus/Yaoi Game
2021-07-07 -
Lust in Terror Manor - The Truth Unveiled | Otome
2021-07-07 -
2021-07-07 -
【BL】Reversing Caste: Omegaverse (Romantic Game)
2021-07-07 -
Princess of the Moon Ultimate
2021-07-07 -
TekiKare - Boyfriend or Foe? - BL Game
2021-07-07 -
Eden of Ikemen: Love in a Lost World OTOME
2021-09-21 -
Sealed with a Kiss Re -Bride of an Asmodian-
2021-07-07 -
[BL] NEXUS Code Plus [A romance game for women]
2021-07-07 -
Amour Sauvage Jeu BL
2021-07-07 -
Hanayome The Sacrificial Bride
2021-07-07 -
Another Prince ~A Lost Tale~ (Romantic Otome Game)
2021-06-01 The description of Blood Domination - BL Game App
What is Blood Domination?
The controlling "Dom" and the dependent "Sub"--these are "the second genders" of the vampires.
When vampires of two different second-genders meet, they can establish a "bond contract".
Located in a spacious land in a mountain recess is "Eclair Gymnasium Academy", a school where young vampires experience youth. The academy teaches its students about "bond contract" and requires them to find someone to be their contract partner for a limited amount of time.
With the goal of sealing a "bond contract", blood leads these students to their fated pairs...
・"Izayoi", a delinquent who comes from a noble family and acts indifferent toward the idea of forming a contract.
・"Uzuki", a vampire of an ordinary lineage
・"Takamine", a broad-minded guy of an ordinary lineage
・"Chihaya", a vampire with the attitude of a "queen". He comes from a noble family who highly values pedigree.
◆Game System◆
"Blood Domination" is a visual-novel BL game. Players get to enjoy the scenarios through the usage of Scenario Ticket.
・Play the game for free!
Receive 5 Scenario Tickets every day for FREE!
・Determine the course of the boys' love stories by choosing different options throughout the scenarios.
Deepen the bond that he has with his lover and enjoy beautiful CGs and exclusive scenarios.
・Pompous, sadistic, hot-and-cold, noble--these fascinating character traits and more await you!
Their interactions are at times intense and other times sweet. Enjoy the thrilling ride!
Don't miss the mind-blowing CGs in this game, which takes place in the "Dom/Sub universe" where the nature of the characters' relationships is that of control and dependency.The description of Vampire Boyfriend Plus/Yaoi Game App
Vampire brothers who have moved to a new city.
The one they met there is an irreplaceable “bait”…!?
The younger brother who hates his ”bait”.
The older brother who falls in love with his “bait”. But he has a story…?
【Game introduction】
Vampire Boyfriend is a game where you use scenario tickets to continue the story. Depending on your choices, your love with your boyfriend will transform! If you increase his affection, you’ll get scenarios with beautiful still illustrations! And enjoy even more exciting stories! You can design your own cute and fashionable avatar and welcome a happy end with your boyfriend!
Download is free! Basic free is play too so you can enjoy a boys love with any man you wish!
◆Route introduction
Kiyosumi×Rin version
⇒Mean sacrifice x Childish vampire
The one who’s supposed to be eaten is eating, a dangerous BL.
For those who want to enjoy a fun and bright BL!
Tamaki×Mutsumi version
⇒Jealous vampire x Tsundere priest
An intense route between two enemy races
◆We recommend it to those like this!
・Those who like hot vampires!
・Those who are playing BL games for the first time!
・Those who love BL!
◆Ways to play
・You get 5 free scenario tickets everyday, so increase his affection together!
・You can choose different choices to progress the game, and it’s also very easy to use!
◆Basic information
【Genre】Love Game/BL
【Price】Basic play free/cash items available
【Scenario】Kyuuyousawa Raichi / Ochiai Umi
【Illustration】Shutsuki tomatoThe description of Lust in Terror Manor - The Truth Unveiled | Otome App
Lust in Terror Manor ~The Truth Unveiled~ lets you follow the thrilling love with these handsome men and find a good ending to their love story! You're the one to decide how your destiny will unfold. Choose your love <3
Lust in Terror Manor is about to be revealed?! Read the story, experience the suspense and aim for the best ending. Lust in Terror Manor ~The Truth Unveiled~ sure is a love adventure game you’ll fall in love with!
The story changes according to your decisions. Make the right choices and raise your BF's affection to unlock awesome CGs and scenarios!
Lust in Terror Manor ~The Truth Unveiled~ is the ONE! Join our Facebook for more!
Revamped edition with a newly added route!
The truth behind "Lust in Terror Manor" is about to be revealed!
13 men and women trapped in a Western hotel on a remote island.
Without understanding why, you're involved in an unbelievably cruel game.
Trapped on a land full of strangers... While doubting them one by one, someone appears before your eyes. But who is it?
Why do you know me!?
In this dangerous situation, the secret relationship between you and a handsome man who wants to protect you will be the only thing to keep you alive.
Will the two of you be able to survive on this inescapable island!?
Experience a suspenseful environment full of lust and terror!
-The long-awaited renewal of Lust in Terror Manor, the popular otome game boasting 200,000 downloads!!
Play the new "Naoto Fuyuno" route, and find out the truth behind Lust in Terror Manor!
-New gacha and event scenarios available for the popular ikemen characters Hayato and Rui!
It doesn't matter if you've already played their routes before or if this is your first time: there's something for everyone!
-Lust in Terror Manor - The Truth Unveiled is a smartphone dating sim where you use Story Tickets to progress the story
and is free for basic play (in-game purchases available).
This game is very easy to play, so it's also suitable for first-time players of otome games!
Look forward to experiencing an exciting love story with your handsome boyfriend.
-The choices you make influence the story!
You will be able to experience a captivating story with beautiful illustrations with the man you choose.
There are also many cute coordinates you can wear!
Wear pretty Avatars and catch your BF's attention!
Enjoy this lovey-dovey story in a fashionable manner.
How do I PLAY?
-Install for free
-Free basic play
-You can read 5 passionate stories for FREE EVERY DAY!
-Get hot CGS?<3 LIT!!
-If you love / like otome games, dating sims, romance games or romance apps.
-If you love / like romance novels, visual novels, online novels, light novels, harlequin, romance dramas, romance comics, romance manga, or shoujo manga (comic books).
-If you love / like romantic dating sims or stimulating dating sims, dating sims.
-If you love / like visual novels with sweet romance plots / stories or stimulating plots / stories.
-If you are looking for free fun and enjoyable popular otome games, f2p.
-If you love / like games with characters such as hot guys, handsome guys, perfect man, love of your dream, princes, rich man, celebrities, aristocrats, boyfriend, lover, husband and butler.
-If you are looking for games with awesome CG, art and graphics.
-If you love / like to have handsome, good looking BF / lover to propose to you or if you’re looking for someone perfect to marry, someone perfect for you.
-If you love / like boys love, BL and yaoi contents.
-If you love / like comics, manga, anime, or BL.
Please note that LUST IN TERROR MANOR ~THE TRUTH UNVEILED~ is free to play, but you can purchase in-game items with real money. If you want to limit the ability to make in-app purchases, you may create a PIN in the Settings menu from within the Google Play Store.The description of 【BL】Triangle/cross App
Izumi and Yakumo are students who attend a magic school.
Today is another peaceful day... or is it!?
When Shigure, a pompous and over-confident Nue, and Amagi, a free-spirited and stoic Kamaitachi, barrel into his life, will Izumi be able to retain some semblance of an ordinary and peaceful life!?
Meanwhile, Yakumo has to deal with Ritsuka, who is super adorable but scheming, and Kazehaya, the prince-like, patient, and reliable demon! Can he survive through days of taking care of these guys and being taken care of!?
This is a story where two love triangles intersect!
Enter a school where humans and beasts coexist... and fall in love with each other!
◆Game System◆
"Triangle/cross" is a visual-novel BL game. Players get to enjoy the scenarios through the usage of Scenario Ticket.
・Play the game for free!
Receive 5 Scenario Tickets every day for FREE!
・Determine the course of the boys' love stories by choosing different options throughout the scenarios.
Deepen the bond that he has with his lover and enjoy beautiful CGs and exclusive scenarios.
・Pompous, sadistic, hot-and-cold, noble--these fascinating character traits and more await you!
Their interactions are at times intense and other times sweet. Enjoy the thrilling ride!The description of 【BL】Reversing Caste: Omegaverse (Romantic Game) App
◆◆Game Introduction◆◆
Set in a country where the usual Omegaverse roles are flipped…
An Alpha (α) and Omega (Ω) meet… but just how will their romance play out in this caste-restrictive society?!
Reversing Caste: Omegaverse is a BL game with fixed pairings - meaning partners stick together. You consume tickets to continue progressing in the story.
“I’ll keep hoping, just a bit longer...”
“That there might be a moment where you think you might like me, even just a little…”
Hokuto (α) loves as he will. His partner-in-crime and supervisor at work is Mutsu (α).
While traveling out of the country for business negotiations, the two are attacked by someone.
In the process of fleeing their pursuers, they end up stuck in a country where the roles are reversed. Here, Omegas have the power over Alphas.
Because they didn’t enter as legal immigrants, it’s difficult for the pair to return to their home countries. While they’re at a loss over what to do, they meet two Omegas: Haruaki and Chiaki.
With the roles reversed, will these sexy guys be able to find love?
Hokuto - Alpha / α
The son of a very successful family, owners of a large company. As someone from the dominant caste in his society, he’s always brazen, stubborn, and full of confidence.
Haruaki - Omega / Ω
A gentle man who manages a modeling agency. When he meets Hokuto by chance, the two become a Fated Pair. He aids Hokuto and Mutsu, who are rendered homeless by their situation.
Mutsu - Alpha / α
Hokuto’s partner-in-crime. He becomes much kinder once he deems a person worthy. When he meets Chiaki though, he remembers something from his past…
Chiaki - Omega / Ω
He’s an associate of Haruaki. He may look a bit flashy and flamboyant at first glance, but he’s surprisingly quick-witted.
Toki - Alpha / α
Despite his Alpha status, he’s modeling under the guise of being a Beta. Will his unrequited love for Hachitama be answered?
Hachitama - Beta / β
He works as Toki’s manager and is Haruaki’s half-brother.
◆◆Game Playstyle◆◆
“Reversing Caste: Omegaverse” is a BL visual novel that requires you consume scenario tickets to progress through the storyline.
The game is free-to-play and you receive 5 free tickets per day.
Through the in-game choices, you can change how close you are with a love interest.
Because potential pairings, tops, and bottoms are all pre-determined, you can adjust their compatibility to your liking.
As the characters grow fonder of each other, you can unlock special scenarios and more.
You can also enjoy exclusive storylines!
◆◆System Requirements◆◆
Android 5.0 or later
◆◆Game Fees and Other Info◆◆
Title: Reversing Caste: Omegaverse
Company: Otomedou
Scenario Writers: Raichi Kyouyouzawa, Akiko Aikawa
Illustrator: Himoda Q
Genre: Romance, BL
Fees: Free-to-play, in-game purchases
Platform: Smartphone AppThe description of TekiKare App
TekiKare is a BL game involving characters who belong to different races and social statuses.
This is a novel-type BL game in which you get to proceed with the story by expending your Scenario Tickets.
Two feuding nations decide that the best way to get to know each other is by conducting a study abroad program. Only students with royal bloodlines are eligible for this program... Or not!? Why is one of the students chosen a common citizen!?
There are Oga, a royalty from the magic clan; Yury, a kind and honest guy; Ikumi, the earnest student council vice president from the same clan as Oga; and Cain, a gaudy but attentive student council president from the beast clan.
Through their days in the academy, their relationships begin to shift and eventually take the shape of love.
Will their love, which used to be such an alien concept to the four students, manage to transcend their differences...?
TekiKare is a novel-type BL game. You are able to read the game's scenarios by expending your Scenario Tickets.
The depth of the bond between each pair will change depending on the choices that you make throughout the story.
When his Affection reaches a certain level, you will get to enjoy special scenarios that feature beautiful graphics or read exclusive stories.
◆Basic Information◆
【Category & Genre】Romance Adventure Game & BL with Fixed Pairings
【Price】F2P/Pay to purchase items
【Platform】Smartphone (Get this app on the App Store or Google Play)
【Planning & Draft】otomedou
【Illustration】Shou HarusonoThe description of Eden App
A free to play visual novel type otome game in English with the theme survival and romance on a desert island! Survive the wilderness outside Japan with your ikemen!
"If you want to get out of this island alive, stay close to me."
You've been washed up on a desert island with hot ikemen guys...
This is a suspenseful romance dating sim game for both casual gamers and otaku who are thirsty for an extraordinary Otome game!
Enjoy the direct sequel to DEAD OR LOVE, a smash hit Otome game that has gained more than 200,000 fans from all over the world!
The luxurious cruise ship that you're on sinks.
The 14 survivors, including you, are washed up on a desert island.
Will you die or survive?
Together with charming ikemen with unique personalities, you face the island's conspiracies.
Escape is your goal, but dangerous traps set by an unknown perpetrator keeps coming your way.
What if an intricately designed trap is responsible for the sinking of the luxurious cruise ship!?
Will the path you're on lead you to the love of your life?
Unravel the mystery on the desert island with plenty of ikemen and get out of there alive!
⚔The cool and stoic strongest soldier: Fenrir⚔
"...It's dangerous here. Stay close to me."
A taciturn man who keeps pushing you away.
And yet, whenever you are in a bind, he will always come to your rescue.
⚔The mysterious, impish, and sexy Wanted criminal: Joshua⚔
"Hey, Eve. Want to try the forbidden fruit?"
An internationally wanted con-artist who deceives the rich.
Since meeting you on the desert island, you've been on his mind and he's been trying to seduce you.
⚔The fierce, passionate, and reliable war doctor: Eiji⚔
"Hey... What do you say we get on with the artificial respiration?"
An optimistic war doctor who's been on the battlefield before--at least, that's how his introduction goes. No one knows what his true goal is.
◆Reasons to try Eden of Ikemen◆
⭐️ Discover the truth and get out of the desert island alive!
・The luxurious cruise ship that you're on sinks for a mysterious reason and you're washed up on a desert island.
Is a contriving trap behind this incident?
・You need to escape, but someone is eager to interfere!
Who is the criminal mastermind trying to bring you and your lover down?
・You lost your memories.
You will retrieve them, piece by piece, as you proceed with the story and solve the mysteries.
Who are you?
Enjoy various perspectives of this tale and aim for the True Ending!
⭐️ Enjoy thrilling romance with your ikemen boyfriend on the desert paradise!
"You know full well what we're about to do together... here on the desert island, right?"
You've been washed up on an island where an intense love story with one of the ikemen guys awaits you.
Be the Adam and Eve of the desert paradise with him and enjoy suspenseful romantic stories perfect for mature women♪
⭐️ Immerse yourself in the story and enjoy the captivating BGM!
The soundtrack has been created to fit each situation!
Enjoy the game with unforgettable music for company
⭐️ Get exclusive sweet scenarios through limited events♪
Plenty of exciting events await you!
Participate in the events to obtain sweet scenarios featuring your ikemen boyfriend!
⭐️ Get cute avatars to charm him
Obtain avatars perfect for the desert island's everlasting summer!
Raise your ikemen boyfriend's affection, obtain gorgeous illustrations and intensely sweet stories, and aim for the True Ending!
◆Recommended if you...◆
・Are tired of regular Otome games!
・Like detective, mystery, and suspense genres!
・Want to experience a love that is intense and exciting!
・Want to enjoy a relationship with an ikemen!
・Like male characters who are enigmatic, impish, or sadistic!
・Want to enjoy romantic situations!Stay updated
Official Website:
Official Facebook:
Eden of Ikemen: Love in a Lost World
Eden of Ikemen: Love in a Lost World. 1,089 likes · 3 talking about this. The official account of the otome romance game Eden of Ikemen: Love in a Lost World, brought to you by AbracadabraGames....www.facebook.com
Official Twitter:
https://twitter.com/edenofikemen_ENThe description of Sealed with a Kiss Re -Bride of an Asmodian- App
FREE to Download & Play!
Otome Dating Game ""Sealed with a Kiss Re ~Bride of an Asmodian~""
""Become a Bride, if you don’t want the world to be destroyed…""
Defeated by the Dark Lord himself, you - a brave Hero - are held captive.
As requested by the capricious Dark Lord, you will have to marry one of the handsome Dark Princes!
Can a Heroine defeat the Dark Lord and save the world?
Are you ready to become the bride of the next Demon King?
What does your destiny have in store for you?
◆Character Introduction◆
□Your love partner!? Main characters
●Prideful Dark Prince : Kyle
""I will make you fall for me... I promise""
Third Prince, he thinks he's the only one who's got what it takes to become the next Dark Lord.
He doesn't lack leadership, but at times he can be too simple-minded.
●The Hottest Dark Prince : Albert
""I have a talent for undressing. Care to try?""
The superbly regal First Prince.
He treats women (and you) with the uttermost respect, but no one knows what his real intentions are.
●Lethargic Dark Prince : Shion
""If you're here to seduce me... you should've come without your clothes on""
Fourth Prince, he just can't be bothered.
He has no interested in the royal affairs, but thinks it'd still be better to marry you rather than be exiled.
●The Cheerful and Wacky Dark Prince : Mardin
""Marrying a heroine, that sounds fun! Hey, marry me?""
A hedonist who just wants to have fun.
He's intrigued by the idea of marrying a Heroine.
□Other enchanting characters
●The Pushy and Cute devil Dark Prince : Lunadir
●Composed Sadist Devil Butler : Seth
●Reliable Older-Brother Type Childhood Friend : Ash
◆How to Play & Game Features◆
・Aim for the ending as you go through ""Sealed with a Kiss Re ~Bride of an Asmodian~"" story. This is an love adventure game targeted at females.
・Use Story Tickets to proceed with the story!
Receive 5 Story Tickets every day for FREE! Enjoy your love story with these Dark Princes!
・The highest your affection level, the hottest the scenes you will witness!
・Use avatars to increase your BF affection towards you, and if it's high enough, you will unlock special CGs and scenarios!
・The story changes according to your decisions. You can enjoy this even if it's your first visual novel!
・Enjoy limited time events and beautiful romantic episodes between you and your favorite Dark Prince!
◆Recommended if you…◆
・Love fantasy otome games
・Enjoy dark fantasy
・Want to flirt with a number of hot Dark Princes
・Want to be teased by a Dark Prince
・Want to become a Heroine and write your own story!
・Are playing an otome game for the first time!The description of [BL] NEXUS Code Plus [A romance game for women] App
The renewal of the fixed couple BL novel game, where sexy members of a shadowy organization must all work alongside their partners.
Nexus Code Plus is about Partners × Incidents × Love? What's the truth behind the mysterious accidents that have been occurring!? Nexus Code Plus lets you be involved as an audience. Read the story, experience the suspense and aim for the best ending. Nexus Code Plus sure is a game you’ll become addicted to!
The story changes according to your decisions. Make the right choices and raise your BF's affection to unlock awesome CGs and scenarios!
Nexus Code Plus is your right choice! Join our Facebook for more!
What is Nexus Code Plus?
A top-secret organization under the National Public Safety Commission.
Two partners: one is part of the ""Legal Group"", those who complete the legal course, and the other is part of the ""Parvenu Group"", those who have a criminal record.
They investigate private cases.
Chigaya and Natsume, who both hide a secret dating back to their childhood.
Kei and Zakuro, who separated from their former partners and formed a new pair.
What's the truth behind the mysterious accidents they got involved in!?
Enjoy a suspense adventure with a fixed coupling setting!
◆Couple Introduction◆
Here are the currently available couples!
[Seductive x Former con man] Chigaya x [Innocent x Reckless] Natsume
Chigaya is forced to look after his reckless partner, Natsume.
What kind of incident will this powerful combo get wrapped up in?
[Meathead x Cool and calm] Kei x [Tsundere x Former hacker] Zakuro
Former hacker Zakuro seems like the the very definition of a tsundere.
What is his past with the icy Kei...?
[Gentle x Leader] Hiiragi x [Clean cut x Natural] Kikyo
Despite his clean cut appearance, Kikyo is pretty easygoing. He handles office work with Hiiragi.
But what is the real relationship between the two at the top of Crows?
There are more fixed couples to come!
[Mysterious x Secretive] Tachibana x [Cool x Quiet] Rindo
[Easy-going x Young] Asebi x [Mischievous x Enigma] Botan
How do I PLAY?
-Install for free
-Free basic play
-You can read 5 passionate stories for FREE EVERY DAY!
-Get’s your hands on the steamy CGS?
-The seme and uke of each couple are fixed, so you can enjoy reading about your favorite couple.
Please note that Nexus Code Plus is free to play, but you can purchase in-game items with real money. If you want to limit the ability to make in-app purchases, you may create a PIN in the Settings menu from within the Google Play Store.
-Uninstalling the app or clearing the cashe will reset player data.
Collection and use of your data are subject to the Privacy Policy available at Privacy Policy.
For support: InquiriesThe description of Wild Love Game BL App
Will you be the educator or the educated !? School life with your bestial boyfriend!
The main character loses his purse after a prolonged absence due to his fragile health.
The only way for him to stay in this high school is to put the problem students back on the right track.
Will you be able to complete your education while raising a proud wolf, tsundere fox, and deceitful rabbit?
◆ Presentation of the game
"Bestial Boyfriend" is a novel-type game in which you can progress through the storyline using Story Tickets. Manage your relationship with your beautiful boyfriend thanks to the different options available! By increasing your affinity with him, you will be able to read special scenarios with beautiful illustrations! You can have even more exciting stories! Dress up in cute avatars and get a nice ending with it!
Free download ! The progress of the game is also free, so anyone can have a romantic love affair with a beautiful and beastly boyfriend!
Character overview - Main character (Default name: Mamiya Yuuto)
Final year student. His scholarship was withdrawn due to his poor health and he now finds himself threatened with having to drop out of high school.
- Kamitani Yuuki
Fier x Insolent x Loup
A final year student who spends his time skipping classes and having bad grades.
He acts like a delinquent but knows how to take care of others.
- Kozuka Kaoru
Cruel x Tsundere x Renard
Very studious final year student and president of the student council, but he is in the category of problem students for certain reasons.
He's pretty cold towards the main character.
- Udo Keisuke
Deceiver x Seducer x Rabbit Final year
student who is calm and kind, but he is a real playboy.
- Nekoyama Kogetsu
The school nurse. He serves as an adviser to the main character but is quite cold towards him.
◆ How to play?
- Play for free!
You will receive 5 Scenario Tickets for free every day!
- Determine the path these love stories will take by choosing different options during the scenarios.
Deepen the bonds between these lovers, admire beautiful illustrations and enjoy exclusive scenarios.
- Continually Added Content
Don't forget to participate in limited time events! You may be able to see another of its facets ...?
【Category / Genre】 Romance / BL
【Price】 Free with optional purchases
【Original Idea】 Otomedou
【Scenario】 Kyuyozawa Raichi ・ Masao Tete
【Illustrations】 Yoimachi
The description of Hanayome App
Chapter 1 available for FREE!
Clear the Tutorial and get 45 Scenario Tickets!
The smash hit romance simulation game is here with a new system! Play it for free!
"Now that you've chosen to go against your destiny, you are to marry an extremely gorgeous man..."
This is a Japanese-style thriller romance game targeted at adult women!
"You're my bride.
I won't hand you over to anybody, even the god."
You are sent to Kanamura Village, a place full of handsome men, to conduct an interview.
Little did you know that at the village famous for its power to grant better luck in romance, you would bear witness to a forbidden ceremony...
How are you supposed to survive a village full of conspiracies and dangerously attractive men!
Love or despair...
Will you be able to become the bride of your beloved one!?
The attractive men you will be sharing your fate with:
Scheming x Man of Authority
Itsuki Kanamura
As the chief of Kanamura Village, he is the village's highest authority.
He is gentle and kind to anybody.
A natural born lady-killer that all the women gravitate toward.
"You're such a bad girl. Are you ready for your punishment?"
Cool x Doctor
Tatsuki Kanamura
The only doctor in the village.
A stoic and quiet man.
But he has a gentle side that he expresses by worrying about you.
"I won't fail again. This time I will save the person I love."
Bossy x Police Officer
Yamato Mitsurugi
A rowdy and pompous police officer,
but the villagers rely on him.
He is very honest when it comes to expressing how he feels about you.
"I won't hand you over to anybody, even the god."
Womanizer x Butler
Iori Kitami
A perfect butler who serves to the Kanamura Family.
He always does his work earnestly, with composure and poise,
but he takes off that mask when he is with you.
"Let me swear my eternal loyalty to you."
Natural Charmer x Chief Priest
Tokito Tsukinaga
Kanamura Village priest who was born with an ability to sense the supernatural.
The way he tends to express himself with sincere and straightforward words never ceases to make your heart beat faster.
"I'm the only one who can protect you."
Mysterious x Professor
Kaname Yomoda
An associate professor who focuses on folklore studies at a famous university.
His strange behavior and words often confuse and catch you off guard, but he is always there when you need him.
"You're interesting. Tell me more about you."
The perks of playing this game:
You can read 5 stories every day for free!
Draw a free gacha once a day and get an avatar!
Clear missions by changing the clothes of your avatar!
Follow as your love story with him unfolds, choose the right answers, and increase his love for you!
Aim for the Bride Ending and enjoy a feels-inducing sweet story, complete with beautiful illustrations!The description of Another Prince ~A Lost Tale~ (Romantic Otome Game) App
Well then, why don’t you turn the page and get started?
Enjoy this world overflowing with love and tragedy!
Another Prince ~A Lost Tale~ is a visual novel featuring various figures from common fairy tales like Cinderella, the Little Mermaid, and Alice in Wonderland. Dive into this sweet, heartrending story while you seek to discover the mystery of the “vampire’s blood”!
The princes suffer from a blood curse and have been turned into vampires. Your blood, however, holds a special power… What sort of heart-pounding situations might you end up in?
Solve the mystery with these sexy princes in this fresh retelling!
◆The Story◆
You find a book filled with old fairy tales while working at the library.
“Cinderella”... “The Little Mermaid”... “Rapunzel”...
You grew up with these stories and know them well.
You keep flipping the pages… but all the stories stop halfway through, the pages blank!
And wait, why are all the princesses drawn as princes?!
The princes of this new story all hide a Blood Curse, their stories unending.
And why would they end? The princes still have much left to do.
It’s up to you to figure out just how their stories will end.
◇Cinderella (the arrogant damsel)
Fairy Tale: Cinderella
Theme: Love Toying with Fate
This world transforms Cinderella from the lovely, compassionate woman we all know
into a haughty, arrogant prince.
What does this Cinderella want? And what is his mysterious affiliation with blood…?
◇Rapunzel (the ruthlessly possessive)
Fairy Tale: Rapunzel
Theme: Quest to Experience First Love
He lives up high in his tower, never longing for change.
He’s the rational type, perhaps a bit cold. As you forge his new story, just why did he lose his old one in the first place…?
◇Lorelei (the pure-hearted womanizer)
Fairy Tale: the Little Mermaid
Theme: Discovering Love Once More
His kind expressions and well-meaning personality
capture the hearts of women everywhere.
◇Talia (the sweet airhead)
Fairy Tale: Sleeping Beauty
◇Belle (the curious tease)
Fairy Tale: Beauty and the Beast
◇Alice (the awkward trickster)
Fairy Tale: Alice in Wonderland
◇Beowulf (the naive enigma)
Fairy Tale: ???
◆Game Playstyle◆
“Another Prince ~A Lost Tale~” is a visual novel that requires you to consume scenario tickets to progress through the storyline.
- The game is free-to-play!
You receive 5 free story tickets per day.
- Through the in-game choices, you can change how close you are with a love interest. As you grow more intimate with each other, you can enjoy lovely CGs and scintillating romance. Depending on the prince’s personality, you can enjoy a tempestuous, sweet, or thrilling story.
- Plenty of cute avatars in this world! Feel free to coordinate as you like~!
◆We Recommend This For◆
- Folks who like romantic visual novels, like otome games
- Otome game otakus
- Folks who want to enjoy a scintillating romance with handsome princes
- Those interested in vampires
- People interested in fairy tales
- Those who want a romantic love story
- Folks who read shoujo/josei manga and romantic novels
- Folks who like a good Cinderella story
- People who want to be proposed to by handsome princes they love
- Those who’re looking for something different from the usual school and war romances
- Folks looking for a new Abracadabra visual novel
- People who want to be able to influence their in-game fate
◆System Requirements◆
Android 7.0 or later
◆Game Fees and Other Info◆- Title: Another Prince ~A Lost Tale~
Company: Abracadabra Games
Scenario Writers: Leo Izumi (Edge Works), Nanaka, Ao Haruhi
Illustrator: Meiji Anno
Genre: Romantic Otome Visual Novel
Fees: Free-to-play, in-game purchases
Platform: Smartphone App
◆Official Information◆
Official Facebook: Bei Facebook anmelden
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/abracadabra_inc
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