And I fall again, into myself, into the night, I'll dream one more dream, before it all comes back.
Inside of you, I lost that one and only thing...
Tear the posters down, I'm not here, there's no way I'll be found.
When I close my eyes, all that I can see, I will surely lose, that's just the world I'm in
And I can recall, the words that I had long forgot.
Tear the posters down, I'm not here, there's no way I'll be found.
Those lies I've never told, in white silence I've stood
The only thing I wanted was all your honesty
I close my eyes and there's only one thing that's left, the scent of faded dreams against fallen snow.
If the wind—if it holds you tight, will you leave and go with it
Secrets are born in slow motion
If the wind ever holds you tight, I know you'll go, you will be swept away.
The words that were for you, I've somehow lost long ago
Deep down inside, I know I've lost all that's left of me
And I can recall, the words that I had long forgot.
Tear the posters down, I'm not here, there's no way I'll be found.
I will be swept away.
Maybe there'll be a day, in white silence I'll stand
I'll realize it was me who killed all the honesty
I close my eyes and there's only one thing that's left, the scent of dying winds against faded dreams.
كان يامكان في قديم الزمان ،، كان في طفل توفت امه أول مانولد ورباه أبوه أحسن تربيه
لكن ، مهما كان الحب اللي يقدمه له أبوه ، ظل حاس الطفل بنقص حنان الأم وحبها ،
ومع الأيام كبر الطفل الصغير وأصبح رجلاً وتزوج من إمرأة عوضته عن حنان الام وكان خير أمرأة له تقف بجانبه وتساعده ، كبر هذا الرجل وربى أطفاله على خير وأحبوه حباً كبيراً
وتزوج اطفال الرجل وأصبح جداً ، وإهتم فيه أحفاده وإعتنوا به ...
الله يأخذ منا شيئاً ويعطينا شيئاً أفضل منه ،،
ومن ترك شيئاً لله عوضه خيراً منه ،،
حتن لو الشي تحبونه وينظركم ماتقدرون تستغنون عنه ،، بس جربوا تفكرون أنه لو تركتوه لوجه الله