مستوى التفاعل

مشاركات الملف الشخصي آخر النشاطات المنشورات أوسمتــي معلومات زوار ملفي

  • L U C I F E R
    L U C I F E R
    why i think E is the best
    the studying quality in German is better than English because you're in the same country that teach this major ,so you'll have more choices for studying, in the other hand studying in German cost less ( one semester in German university cost 300 Euro for 6 months while in English university cost 600 Euro for one month )+ there's new majors teached only in German and these majors are very unique and bring you too much money you'll not find it in English plus the chances to work in German is better than English also it will make your salary doubled .

    Of course English is important but think of it for a second . you'll have 3 the strong languages ( at least ) and it's very important especially the German because most of the famous companies are German so you'll be more qualified than a normal person who has only 1 or 2 languages

    I reached level b2 when I finish it I'll be eligible to study in the university. I'm scared I won't lie to you hahahaha but in the end I'll have something Super good and I hope my hard work comes with good results
    L U C I F E R
    L U C I F E R
    Very good so you need to study hard and i believe in you because u are smart and if anyone can do . that's will be u
    • فديت
    التفاعلات: Selene
    Z z Z z z Z Z ♪
    Z z Z z z Z Z ♪
    بخصوص من قلت "نبي اداري عاقل يحول لنا توناتنا" شسمه وقتها ما فهمت وكان عقلي مخربط يعني مفهمت القانون ف قلت كذا سووو كلش اسفة هه4


    يصير ترجع لي تميزي؟هه4
    L U C I F E R
    L U C I F E R
    اوكي تدللين ق1
    معك تونات ؟
    L U C I F E R
    L U C I F E R
    انتظر اللون الجديد تحب العضويه تكون يالون؟
    • فديت
    التفاعلات: SheЯlock
    شوف انا احب الالوان النارية او الحرارية من اول الاحمر ليييييييييين الازرق الغامق


    وعلية مثلا ازرق

    او شيء كذا لو في هنا كنت جبت بس ما فيني حيل اروح الفوتو
    Kibutsuji Marlene
    Kibutsuji Marlene
    الازرق حلو ض00

    welcome toooooo Jumanji حكموه1ق1
    Click here for a better life حكموه1

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